Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Living Out Boldly

A lot of things have come into my life, and it's disrupted the expected trajectory of my life. I think of it as approaching a fork in the road of life -- or having large boulder drop into a still lake. Everything was going smoothly until something appeared out of nowhere. However, this isn't a bad type of disruption. It's a good one.

I'm still in the process of comprehending all that has happened to me within the past year. But I thought I'd write down my thinking process. A year ago, I would have never thought I would enjoy reading or writing. I would have never thought that I would have a craving to tell stories and capture images. I would have never thought that I would meet people who are highly esteemed. I would have never thought that those people would be willing to mentor me. All these things disrupted my expected course in life.

So here I am, trying to process what all of this means. What is God trying to say? What am I supposed to do? What if it doesn't work out? What if. What if. What if...

1) The Bible says not to worry about the future. 
It's a long ways away. Focus on the present moment. Enjoy what you have today. Be thankful in the current circumstance. Even the Lord's prayer tells us that God will provide us our daily bread. Although, it is difficult to fight this mindset when the problems of the real world constantly surround us. It's all about taking "one step, one punch, and one round at a time." Yes, I just quoted Creed. It's a great movie.

2) As Christians, we should be living boldly - not fearfully. 
I spoke with my pastor about my current dilemma. And he mentioned how frustrating it is to see Christians living with doubt/fear/worry. If you are sure in where you are being led, then why fear the unknown? Of course, it's natural to fear the unknown. But we should be bold, knowing that Christ has led us and will lead us for the rest of our days.

Am I certain that I'm being led in this direction? If so, then I should follow it boldly. If not, then I should wait patiently. Maybe I already know the answer. Maybe I'm just looking for others to tell me the answer I already know. I don't know. Yes? Yes. Maybe. No.

I need more prayer. Peace out.


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