Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Good Friday = 22

I forgot it was my birthday until Thursday. This can only mean one thing, I'm becoming old(er). I guess it's because nothing exciting happens after you turn 21. You can rent a car at 25, but that's basically all I can think of. So I didn't really do much on the day of my birthday. But there was something else really special about my birthday this year. For the first time, my birthday landed on Good Friday.

Realizing this, I was humbled. Sure it's my birthday, even though I almost forgot. But this day is celebrated for a different reason. It's celebrated as the biggest event that eternally changed the history of mankind.

So I thought of two things. (1) I'm glad to have my birthday on Good Friday because it makes my day twice as special. (2) I'm kind of not glad my birthday is on Good Friday because my birthday is less significant than what Christ did for the world.

Like I said, my day wasn't too special. I ran a few errands, went to Good Friday service, and had a fun night with some of the guys. It was a good, simple day. I greatly appreciated the fact that God didn't allow my day to be crazy with surprises and events. He allowed it to be simple so that I could think about the most important thing of that day.

Yes, it was my birthday. But more importantly, it was the day that the world was given access to eternal life. Every birthday would be meaningless if it weren't for Christ's death on the cross on Good Friday. Why celebrate birthdays if you're celebrating a day closer to eternal death and suffering? But because of what happened on Good Friday, I was (and now) am able to celebrate my birthdays as a day closer to eternal life and everlasting joy.


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