This morning, I read a person's status update (on facebook) that asked whether he/she should go to class because it was raining and cold outside. Of course, many other friends and students commented "not to go and skip class". However, I tried to encourage him/her to go. Why? Because I believe we shouldn't waste the opportunities one is given in life.
In this particular case, this student (including myself) has received an opportunity to obtain an education at a university in America. America is already one of the wealthiest nations in the world. On top of that, people who attend college are in the top half of American society in terms of wealth/security. Many young adults, in America, don't even imagine or plan to attend college after graduating from high school. So to be able to live in America, AND go to college puts a person in the top percentiles of wealth in the world.
This lead me to the idea that we should always be thankful for what we have; regardless of how bad a situation seems to be, there may always be someone else in a worse condition/position. I believe the same concept applies with the abilities and talents a person is given. If you are gifted in a special way, you should use it or you may lose it.
As a Christian, these views tie in very similarly with my faith.
I believe that all the things and opportunities I have are a gift from God. I thank God, daily, for allowing me to be: alive, healthy, financially stable, able to obtain an education, etc. In addition, I believe that all the talents and abilities I have were not of my own doing but of blessings from Him. If I were to waste my opportunities, talents, and abilities, then what's the use of having them? All the things I have, I believe, were given for a reason and for a purpose: to live for God, who created me and gave me life.
Now I know many of you will find my views and reasoning very strange. It may be strange that I seem to focus my life all around this "God". Some of may think that I'm just "creating my own faith and belief" to give myself purpose in life; however, it goes so much further and deeper than this simple topic. In the end, however, my faith says to be thankful for everything and not to take things for granted.
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