
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Don't waste your life.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."                        - 1 Corinthians 10:9
I guess you can say that this has been my motto ever since I've started college. We all wonder the same thing. What are we supposed to do with our life? And to find that answer, we look to society's answer.
Go to college. Get a degree. Get a job. Make and save up money. Raise a family. Use your money on your family. Save up more money for retirement. Retire. Do whatever you want until you die.
This is the "American Dream"... Chase your own ambition and then hope that you're satisfied at the end of your life.  
I don't know about you, but that sounds like a terrible life. If you follow this trend, you're risking your entire life hoping that you'll be satisfied at the end of your life. It's a gamble.

The way I see it, we're no different than any other animal on this planet if we follow this "American Dream". We're a more complex version of an animal that lives a basic life to reproduce. Let me compare the two.
  • Animals: Born. Raised up. Learn skills to hunt or find basic food. Find a mate. Reproduce. Die.
  • "American Dream": Born. Raised up. Learn skills to make money. Make money. Find a spouse. Reproduce. Die.
The only thing I see different is that we can think in complex ways and have money in our lives. What's the point of life? Have fun for a couple decades and then die? No. I refuse to accept that I was made by mere chance. We have an eternal purpose. We are made different from nature on earth.
"Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" - Genesis 1:26
We are created in the image of God. We're different from nature on this earth. We've been given an eternal purpose. That purpose is to live as an image of God to shine His glory in everything we do. Show God's glory in medicine, music, art, business, law, writing, etc. That's our job.

We're going to live for eternity whether you like it or not. Don't waste the short time you have on earth. Work on things that will make an impact for eternity - for God.

So what are you going to do with the few years you have on earth? ~75 years is nothing compared to eternity. Don't waste your life. Don't waste the time, resources, blessings He has given you. Be thankful for all of it, and live in a way that can glory Him in all that you do.

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