Thank you.
Thank you for teaching me all the things I know about life. You guided me in a way that shaped me into a follower of Christ, and that's the greatest gift any father could give to his child.
You showed me what it means to be a man of God. A man of God is someone who can admit his flaws and mistakes, repent, and be restored. He is someone who can show respect and compassion to anyone. And most importantly, he is willing to follow God to the ends of the earth - no matter the cost.
Thank you for praying for me and blessing me every night. I took those nights for granted. But I now look back and recognize the love of God through you. You showed me how to pray to our Father in heaven. And you reminded me that He provides all things that are necessary - peace, wisdom, guidance, grace, and love.
Thank you for teaching me to be wise in what I do or say. You showed me that we shouldn't act on impulse. Rather, we should be slow to speak and seek God for discernment. As an ambassador of Christ, we are called to be mindful of others and their well-being. We are no longer focused on ourselves. Instead, we are focused on becoming selfless like Christ.
Thank you for providing for me, just as our Father provides for us. You've given me more than I deserve - just as God has blessed me beyond what I deserve. Through this, I know to be grateful for everything that I have. And I know to be content with whatever is received and taken away from me.
There is so much more to say, but I'll leave it at this: you've discipled me into a follower of Christ. And as I grow up, there is no need for you to worry. I can assure you that you have brought me to God. And I have complete confidence in Him, who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
Happy Father's Day,
Your Son.