Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dear Dad.

Thank you.

Thank you for teaching me all the things I know about life. You guided me in a way that shaped me into a follower of Christ, and that's the greatest gift any father could give to his child. 

You showed me what it means to be a man of God. A man of God is someone who can admit his flaws and mistakes, repent, and be restored. He is someone who can show respect and compassion to anyone. And most importantly, he is willing to follow God to the ends of the earth - no matter the cost.

Thank you for praying for me and blessing me every night. I took those nights for granted. But I now look back and recognize the love of God through you. You showed me how to pray to our Father in heaven. And you reminded me that He provides all things that are necessary - peace, wisdom, guidance, grace, and love.

Thank you for teaching me to be wise in what I do or say. You showed me that we shouldn't act on impulse. Rather, we should be slow to speak and seek God for discernment. As an ambassador of Christ, we are called to be mindful of others and their well-being. We are no longer focused on ourselves. Instead, we are focused on becoming selfless like Christ.

Thank you for providing for me, just as our Father provides for us. You've given me more than I deserve - just as God has blessed me beyond what I deserve. Through this, I know to be grateful for everything that I have. And I know to be content with whatever is received and taken away from me.

There is so much more to say, but I'll leave it at this: you've discipled me into a follower of Christ. And as I grow up, there is no need for you to worry. I can assure you that you have brought me to God. And I have complete confidence in Him, who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.

Happy Father's Day,
Your Son.

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

My Time In LA So Far

I've been in LA for about two full weeks now. And I have to be honest about some things. Living here hasn't been the most glamorous and awesome lifestyle. It can get lonely out here sometimes.

When I came out here, I thought about seeing my friends every day after work. But work life isn't always like that. Sure - sometimes you make plans to meet up with friends during the week. But a lot of the time, people can be busy.

It's definitely not like college where you can go over to your friend's place when you feel like it. And LA makes the situation more difficult. It's hard to get around here. And traffic can play a huge factor into how you schedule and make plans.

So I've been spending a good amount of time by myself at home. Don't get me wrong - I've gotten plugged into a nice church community. But there's something that has been irking me during my time here. It's a feeling of emptiness - maybe loneliness.

As I was praying about this, I think God gave me a hint of what he's trying to teach me. The question He arose in my head was "Can you be completely satisfied in me?"

I'm currently living with my aunt, so I'm not technically by myself. But we both have our own schedules. However, I think God is trying to use my aunt to teach me the lesson in the question. I wrote about the my aunt about a year ago, but let me re-explain.

My aunt never got married. She's around 60. And she is the epitome of a what it means to be a woman of God. To my best understanding, this is her schedule....

She gets up at 4AM, prays until 6-7AM, eats, reads scripture, goes to seminary classes, meets and prays for other members in her church, comes home, eats, reads more supplemental material for scripture, watches the news, and sleeps.

Her entire life is immersed in Christ. She lives, eats, and breathes Christ. She even has papers taped on all her doors saying "SMILE - God loves you". It's such a simple lifestyle. And I wonder if she ever gets tired of it. I never asked her myself, but I think it's safe to say that she never gets tired of it. She's always laughing, encouraging, and serving.

So maybe that's the answer to my question. My aunt is the perfect example to the question "Can you be completely satisfied in God?" And I have the blessing of being able to live with her.

So I have a question for you guys - can you be completely satisfied in Christ? I hope we can all learn that one day. And I hope I can learn my lesson by the end of this summer.
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Monday, May 30, 2016


I realized it's been a while since I've posted about my studies on a book of the Bible. And just as a reminder, I have no theological credibility to teach others. But I wanted to share some thoughts in what God has showed me in this short book. With my limited use of resources, I found that this letter is based around the concept of reconciliation. So let me start from the beginning.

I attended a YouTube event on thursday night for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. It was hosted by ISA. I got in - thanks to a friend at Jubilee Project. During my 1 hour commute (it amazes me that it takes 1 hour to travel 20 miles in LA), I listened to a sermon/discussion. It was a discussion between Dr. John M. Perkins and Judah Smith about racism in our world.

As an African American, John Perkins lived through the time period of racial segregation. And he talked about his own struggles in facing physical torture and persecution as a black man. But most importantly he shared his struggle in suppressing his thoughts of hatred against those who persecuted him. During his time of persecution, he prayed to God. Perkins prayed for God to get him out of there, and that he would preach the love of God if he was released. However, that was easier said than done.

When he was released released, Perkins refused to share the love of God with others. He couldn't. There was so much hatred built up within him, and he wanted justice for the persecution he endured. But over time, God began to show that it is not our job to enforce justice. Long story short, Perkins shared about the gravity and weight of evil that drives this whole issue of racism. It is the hatred that Satan creates that causes us to unreasonably discriminate and hate. Isn't it funny how racism has no logical reason for its behavior? I have yet to hear a logical explanation of why we should hate people that are not of our color.

Anyway, I listened to this talk on my way to the ISA event. Once I got there, much of the theme revolved around the topic of Hollywood "whitewashing" the film industry. Guest speakers talked about how asians are being underrepresented and treated unfairly, which may be true. People spoke about how we need to stand up for our right of equal opportunity in film. However, I could feel a tone of hatred and frustration. And I completely understand that we have a "right" to express those feelings. But I don't think that's what God wants us to do. I believe, as a Christian, we can take a different role to encourage a change.

Paul's letter to Philemon is a letter for reconciliation. But the letter isn’t about re-mending the relationship between Paul and Philemon. Instead, Paul is speaking on behalf of Onesimus, who is a former bondservant of Philemon. I say former because Onesimus had run away from Philemon in the middle of his servitude. And just a sidenote: bondservant is not what we think of today. A bondservant was like a mutual/contractual agreement between the “master” and “servant”. It’s like paying off a debt. Both parties agree to a deal to pay off some sort of debt. And it wasn’t the case that the master would take advantage of his bondservant. Sometimes, bondservants would commit their life to serving their master even after their contractual agreement was over because the master had treated his bondservant so well.

But long story short, Onesimus wronged Philemon. And Philemon has a right to be upset. But in this letter, Paul is pleading Philemon to receive Onesimus as a beloved brother in Christ. During his time away from Philemon, Onesimus met Paul and came to know Christ. And the letter is essentially Paul’s plead to Philemon to forgive Onesimus. Paul even goes on to take all responsibility and blame for all the wrong Onesimus has done.

The tone and way Paul addresses Philemon is so gentle, gracious, and loving. And he asks Philemon to allow Onesimus to be reconciled with him.

Obviously, this isn't the same issue as the racism we face today. But I think you can get the point. John Perkins spent his entire talk stressing the importance of God's love. It is only through God's redemptive love that we can experience true reconciliation. And yes, I understand that the issue can't be fixed if one party is unwilling to reconcile.

But overall, I believe that the solution can only be found in Christ. Sure - we can set up rules and provide laws for equal opportunity. But that will not eliminate the deeply rooted hatred of racism. Even with the laws/amendments we have in place, we still experience and see acts of racism. We can't fix this problem on our own.

I hope we can pray for a nation that can be grounded in Christ. Because only then can we reconcile with on another and begin to see that we are all made in the image of God.
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Working In The Shadows

I've been in LA for a week. And it's been a hectic week, to say the least. A lot of my first few days here were spent settling into my living space, becoming familiar with the area, and starting my job. And I wanted to take some time to take a breather and write down some thoughts that have stuck with my throughout the week.

On Monday, I had a chance to meet up with my friend Brian. And he gave me some amazing advice on what to expect and do as a child of God. He took the time to explain what not to do and shared the importance of staying anchored in Christ.

Brian explained it to me like this. Fame can be so tempting. The thought of becoming famous can be so appealing. It can draw you into a mindset of selfishness without you realizing it. And if you're ever in a position of receiving fame, it's important to be anchored and humble in Christ.

Brian serves in the prayer ministry. It's behind the scenes, and he tries to avoid the spotlight. At the same time, he explained that he has brothers and sisters who keep him anchored and humble in Christ. His community keeps him grounded in what truly matters.

And most importantly, he tries not to make his life about film. Although he is a filmmaker, he never forgets the sole purpose of why we are still on this earth as Christians. We are here to share the gospel. He admits not spending every minute thinking of film ideas. Instead, he makes sure to witness to everyone he passes by. God will provide the ideas when the time is right.

You can always try to create an amazing movie. But in the end, people value authenticity the most. And what better way to live an authentic life than to live like Christ and share the Gospel?

I know it's ironic how I'm praising him for his humility. But I had to share with everyone. I'm in awe of all the things Brian had to share with me - even though it was our second time meeting in person. And I can only pray and hope that we all can live authentically for Christ.
"He must increase, but I must decrease" - John 3:30
And if you haven't seen "The Drop Box", then go watch it
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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,
I remember when the three of us (dad) lived in an apartment. I had a few friends around the neighborhood, but you were the only friend that kept me company 24/7. I remember when you always took me to the park when I had no one to play with.

Thank you for that.

I remember when we moved into our first home. I didn't any friends at first - so you took me to the park again. Then I made a few friends and began to play with them. I spent less time with you, and you seemed okay with that. You always said, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

But there were a lot of times when my friends weren't available to play. So you gladly took the time to play chess and monopoly with me. And other times, you watched TV with me - even though you probably didn't care about the show.

Thank you for that.

As I grew up, I learned to be more independent. I didn't have to bother you all the time because I had a gameboy and playstation. I'm sure you were relieved. But I still bothered you. I asked you to watch me play and to cheer me on - and you did.

Thank you for that.

Finally, I grew up to the point where I felt fully independent. I felt like I didn't need you or dad to keep me company. I could keep myself entertained through the games I played and the comics I read. We probably talked less and less - like all teenagers do.

You tried to bring up conversations. But I avoided them. Instead of getting frustrated, you calmly told me, "Your dad and I trust that you'll make the right decisions. We'll support you in whatever you do." And you always reiterated the importance of trusting in God and being in constant communication with Him.

Thank you for that.

I didn't think much of any of this until I headed to college. It didn't hit me until I met others in college. Not everyone has had a mother like you. I did nothing to deserve a loving mother like you, who always nags about me eating enough, sleeping enough, growing enough, or praying enough. And I realize that you represent a glimpse of God's grace for me.

Thank you for that.

Please stop worrying about whether I'm eating well - or at least worry less. And don't worry about my future. I'm in God's hands - you taught me that.

Thank you for that.

Your son,
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Monday, May 2, 2016


As I clicked ENTER and logged off the computer, I realized that this was the last time. This was the last time I would take minutes for an admin meeting. This was the last time we would meet in this room. I said these thoughts out loud during out meeting in a joking manner. But at the same time, I was serious. While it's fresh in my mind, I want to share my thoughts and my advice for the future leaders.

I had a lot of ambition coming into the school year. There were many goals I wanted to accomplish as an admin leader. I was ready to influence a change. But I now realize that I have been influenced more than I influenced others. I, for certain, was not a perfect leader. In fact, I was probably lacking in more areas than I thought.

I came in with an approach to be stern. I thought, "that's the only way things are going to change." But I was proven wrong. Sure - there may have been moments where my methods worked. But there were many more moments where it didn't. I find myself to be a fairly patient person, but my patience was tested at various times. And there were times where I wondered if anyone appreciates anything. But in the end, I look back and see what has happened.

I have been humbled more than I thought I could be (does that mean I was prideful?). And I was taught so much.

Here's all I have to say. 

You can only lead by example - with patience and grace. Don't take things personally. Be patient with others - even though they may not understand. Those moments of sternness can only be applied when others understand that you're doing it out of love.

Jesus is patient with us all the time. Many times, we complain, we fall short, we mumble, and we don't listen. But he never gives up. He continues to love and be patient. And eventually, we turn around and repent.
Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18
Acts is on a good course. Although I may seem absent, you all have taken the initiative to do amazing things in serving one another. Soli Deo Gloria.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016


So many of you probably know - I started vlogging since last Saturday. It's been quite an interesting experience, and I wanted to share some thoughts on it so far. Let's make it simple. I want to talk about what I expected before starting and what I think about it now.

Expectations Before Starting
I like to plan out things. So I've had different shots and time lapses in my head months before I decided to start vlogging. Every so often, I would stop and look at my surroundings and think about how cool this shot would look. But I didn't act upon it.

When I finally made the decision to start vlogging, I felt confident in my ability to capture some cool shots and angles. I also had a format that I wanted to follow - Casey Neistat. This made me feel comfortable and ready to hit the ground running at full speed.

My Thoughts On Vlogging So Far
My expectations were definitely met - for the most part. It's still awkward to have people look at you with a giant camera in hand. Other than that, it's all good. Shooting and editing is so fun. I love it. I love the aspect of having to think creatively in the way I shoot images and the way I present my material. And fortunately, I had a lot of fun things going for me this past weekend. I had originally planned to vlog everyday, but my thoughts have already begun to change.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy vlogging. But I'm still a student, and I have other interests that I want to continue pursuing. For example, I still want to find some time to read my list of books. I want to have time to keep screenwriting. And I realized that vlogging has taken up all of my free time that I used to have.
Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life. - Jeremiah 45:5
These change of thoughts occurred today. As I was praying this morning, I got a weird conviction and feeling of uneasiness. I did my devotional, and it revolved around this question - "Are you seeking great things for yourself? Or are you seeking great things for God?"

At first, I thought to myself "I'm challenging myself to grow and become more knowledgable in film making". I must be doing what God wants me to do because I'm putting myself in uncomfortable situations. I convinced myself that there's nothing wrong.

However, I thought about it again as I watched the vlog I'm supposed to upload for today. Some of things I said were questionable in my own opinion. Is this really what I would say? Or did I just say it for the sake of appealing to a youtube audience?

So here's what I'm trying to say. I've decided to not vlog everyday because I can feel it becoming a bigger priority than my spiritual walk. And that's not a good thing. I want to make sure that I can put God first before trying to vlog everyday.

Of course, I'll still vlog - but probably not on a daily basis. Maybe God wants me to become a vlogger - maybe not. But what I know for sure is that I should never anything hinder me from spending quality time with Him.
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